
Vaginoplasty, or vaginal correction allows to adjust its size to the one considered optimal for the patient. If the cause is present in the previously performed births, scars are cut out after cracks or notches, then the freshened edges are sewn together. The extent of the procedure depends on the patient’s wishes.
In the case of congenital malformations, surgical correction is usually possible and gives good results. This usually applies to the removal of various types of partitions hindering coexistence. Partitions may be transverse or longitudinal. Removing them requires a half-sided cut, then vessel closure and wall sewing with the removal of excess tissue.
If vaginal correction concerns people about menopause, it is necessary to use the previous local use of estrogens.
When post-traumatic or hormonal changes are accompanied by urination disorders associated with descending of the vaginal walls, it is possible to increase the range of surgery and make the front vaginal wall plasty with elevating the bladder wall and the rear wall plasty to shorten the posterior vaginal wall.
During surgical correction, it is also possible to recreate the correct shape and continuity of the hymen during surgical correction. If possible, it is set back from the other parts by sewing the edges of the stapling. In a situation when there is not enough tissue material to reconstruct, it is often necessary to perform this procedure in two stages by doubling the fold of the mucous membrane of the vaginal wall and then partially closing the vaginal entrance with it.
The perineum’s plastic surgery is aimed at restoring the correct appearance and improving the functions of both superficial and deep perineal tissues. Most frequently women who have had abnormal healing of childbirth wounds with leaving wide scars are subjected to it, which may cause widening of both the entrance and further parts of the vagina.
The procedure is aimed at narrowing the vagina, improving the quality of intercourse and preventing the infection of the genital organs.
Do not take medications that interfere with blood clotting, you should minimize smoking. 6 hours before the procedure you should be fasting – do not eat, drink or chew gum.
There are no contraindications for such procedures, only menstrual periods can be an obstacle to performing the procedure.
- morphology with blood smear, ESR
- urine test
- coagulogram (APTT, Prothrombin Ratio, INR)
- blood type
- fasting blood glucose level
- electrolites (K, Na)
- Antigen HBS, HIV, HCV
- ionogram, urea, creatinine
- ECG with description
- chest radiograph
The procedure is performed under general anaesthesia
Vaginoplasty lasts between 1 and 2 hours.
Immediately after the procedure, swelling and pain may occur, which can be compensated by analgesic agents.
It is important to refrain from intimate rapprochement for 6-8 weeks. Intimate hygiene also plays an important role in the patient’s convalescence. After two weeks, the wounds heal after surgery.
- Infection of the postoperative wounds (intimate hygiene is important)
- scar overgrowth
- bleedings
- sensory disturbances in the operated area
It depends on which anaesthesia has been applied. Usually after a few hours, or after 1 day.
The patient does not experience the so-called “loosness” during the intercourse. Sexual life is more satisfying. Patient’s attractiveness and well-being is revived after the procedure, which translates into a significant improvement of the patient’s mental well-being.
New breasts should be taken great care of, the effect of the treatment is not permanent. Time, gravity, pregnancy and constant weight fluctuation are factors that adversely affect the breasts, even those raised. The most important thing is that the patient has realistic expectations from the very beginning, which will help her to accept new breasts.