Labioplasty – the Reduction of Inner Labia

The lack of acceptance of appearance and some degree of dysfunction of the organ leads to consultations with a gynecologist and a plastic surgeon.
Women who have smaller inner labia are overgrown and are not covered by larger outer labia, report discomfort, e. g. when walking, cycling or even sitting. It consists in the damage – peeling, andchafing of the sensitive tissues. Such minor injuries lead to abrasion and soaking from the surface of damaged tissues. Often even the very appearance of the labia induces the decision to correct it with a plastic surgery. The folicular phase is the most favourable period for performing surgical procedures in women due to lower risk of haemorrhagic complications, which is associated with oestrogens on the vessels and coagulation system. In this phase of the cycle, it’s being avoided to perform surgery during early pregnancy of women of childbearing age.
The reduction of vulvar lips is usually done by two methods – by a wedge-shaped incision of excess tissue and sewing back about 1/2 of the length, an edge to the edge of the edge or by cutting out the external tissue band along its entire length, going from the clitoris area to the posterior region.
The aim of the procedure is to reduce the inner labia, which in turn is to eliminate discomfort that accompanies the sexual intercourse, or in other everyday matters, e. g. cycling, or even walking.
2 weeks before the procedure, no medication may be taken to disturb blood clotting. You should refrain from smoking at least 2 weeks before the surgery; 6 hours before the treatment, you should be fasting, do not eat, drink and do not chew gum.
- connective tissue systemic diseases
- pregnancy
- diabetes
- menstrual period
- chemotherapy
- For general anaesthesia, the following tests are necessary:
- morphology with blood smear, ESR
- blood type
- urine test
- coagulogram, (APTT, Prothrombin Ratio, INR)
- Antigen HBS, HCV, HIV
- ionogram, urea, creatinine
- urine test
- electrolites (K, Na)
- fasting blood glucose level
- ECG with description
- chest radiograph
For local anaesthesia, the following tests are necessary:
- morphology with blood smear, ESR
- urine test
- coagulogram (APTT, Prothrombin Ratio, INR)
The reduction of inner labia is an operation under general or local anaesthesia, which should be performed in the first phase of the menstrual cycle.
The procedure takes between 30 minutes and 1 hour.
The swelling, which occurs immediately after the procedure, develops after about 7 to 14 days. You can return to sexual intercourse after 6-8 weeks. The stitches are removed by the doctor after 7 days.
For a few days, the patient should be careful about herself, do not exercise, do not have any intercourse for a few weeks. The patient should be washing herself with clean water and intimate hygiene liquid. During the first few days the patient may feel a slight discomfort, pain and burning sensation.
The risk of complications is much higher when the operation is performed just before or during menstrual bleeding, which not only results in increased blood loss, but also increases the risk of haematomas and inflammatory complications.
The patient remains in the clinic about 1 day, the absence is several days.
- rejuvenation of genital organs
- improving the appearance of the labia
- significantly improved patient self-esteem