Breast Augmentation

An operating procedure performed on women in order to enlarge breasts, improve their shape with silicone prostheses. The size of the inserts is selected individually for each patient, as well as the height, width and enhancement of the prosthesis, depending on the patient’s wishes, anatomical structure of the chest and biological capabilities of the tissues. We have many types of prostheses, differing in shape, we have a so-called „anatomical dentures” with a shape of a water drip. Depending on the patient’s build, the size of her breasts, the prostheses can be applied by cutting in the fold of the nipple, on the border of the areola of the nipple or by cutting the armpit area. The prosthesis can be placed directly under the mammary gland, or slightly deeper, i. e. under the thoracic muscle.
Breast enlargement is aimed at obtaining a size of breasts that fit the patient. The doctor takes into account the height, the width of the chest, the width of the arms; this will determine which implants are going to fit the patient. It is the doctor who is responsible for the final outcome of the operation and therefore the patient should have full confidence in her doctor.
The patient should be healthy on the day of surgery, all infections and inflammation causes that the procedure will be cancelled. Chronic diseases should be treated (re-mission status). Your doctor will ask you for an examination, which you should bring with you before the surgery, if you smoke cigarettes you should give it up at least a few weeks before the surgery (smoking causes worse healing of wounds). The contraceptive tablets and medications disrupting blood clotting should also be discontinued 4 weeks before the procedure. If you sunbathe in a solarium or in the sun, you must abstain from this 14 days before the surgery. On the day of treatment we do not eat, drink or chew gum. Let’s wash the make-up off, the clothes should be not embarrassing.
- excessive and unrealistic demands of the patient
- diabetes
- arterial hypertension
- dyspnoea in anamnesis
- Chest’s purulent infection
- clotting disorders
- morphology with blood smear, ESR
- urine test
- blood type
- ionogram, urea, creatinine
- ECG with description
- breast ultrasound
- coagulogram (APTT, Prothrombin Ratio, INR)
- chest radiograph
- Antigen HBS, HIV, HCV
- electrolites (K, Na)
- nose smear
General anaesthesia is used for breast augmentation.
The breast augmentation procedure takes about 1.5 hour.
After the surgery, the patient is sleepy and slightly painful, the pain will be relieved by administration of painkillers. The patient is wearing a special bra, which must be worn day and night. The drains, which are placed during the operation, will be removed before leaving home. Breast swelling is a natural symptom that may occur for several months.
After a few days, the patient leaves the clinic, the stitches are removed after about 7 days, the patient should not lift her hands high for 6 weeks, preferably take a vacation for about 10 days. A bra that is put on after surgery must be worn for 6 weeks or more. The whole convalescence process depends on the patient’s individual capabilities.
After the surgery, the patient is sleepy and slightly painful, the pain will be relieved by administration of painkillers. The patient is wearing a special bra, which must be worn day and night. The drains, which are placed during the operation, will be removed before leaving home. Breast swelling is a natural symptom that may occur for several months.
- the Capsular Contracture (the rim, the so-called “capsule”, hardens and shrinks around the implant, the breast is stiff, the painful, another operation and cutting the bag out should follow)
- prolapse
- seroma (liquid formation around the implant which causes pain and breasts stiffness)
- hematoma
- rupture of the implant
- folding of the implant
- breast asymmetry
- sensitivity of the papilla
Complications may occur during every operation, the patient is informed about the risks involved. A lot of complications after surgery often occur due to patients not following the doctor’s instructions conscientiously.
Staying in the clinic can take from 2 to 4 days, everything depends on how the patient reacts after the procedure and the physical well-being. The absence is about 2 weeks.
You have to wait a few months for the complete effect, after this time, the swelling stops and breasts form. Patients are satisfied after a few weeks, but you only have to be patient and follow the doctor’s instructions and, above all, wear a special day and night bra. The patient will certainly enjoy new breasts for long years, it is very important to take care of them even more than before.