
Breast plasty (breastlift) is about restoring (or giving) a nice shape to the breasts without changing their size, only by removing excess skin. The gland itself remains intact, so that breastfeeding is possible in the future. The treatment is most effective in young women with a deformed breast, “descended” because of long breastfeeding, who do not want to change its size, but only to restore its previous shape.
The lasting of the results – from a few years to several years – depends on breast size, skin elasticity and possible next pregnancy or rapid changes in the size of the breasts related to fattening and weight loss. Irrespective of the chosen method of operation, scars remain after it. Usually, after a few months they will not be visible, but may get overgrown and require operational corrections.
Breast lifts are designed to improve the shape of the breast, improve the patient’s well-being and self-esteem, and tighten the bust. It is a treatment that gives the best results in a woman with a small and falling bust. Elevation of large breasts may cause it to descend in the following years.
During the consultation the doctor provides information about the procedure, the patient will be examined, the patient should also tell about any doubts, the doctor will be sure to answer all questions. If the patient is qualified for surgery, he or she will be asked for a set of examinations ordered by the doctor and will be informed about the recommendations and possible complications.
- 2 weeks before and after smoking should stop smoking
- 4 weeks before the procedure, don’t take any medication that may impair blood clotting
- On the day of surgery, do not eat or drink anything or chew gum
- diabetes
- cardiac diseases
- arterial hypertension
- clotting disorders
- excessive and unrealistic demands of the patient
- morphology with blood smear, ESR
- urine test
- blood type
- Antigen HBS, HCV, HIV
- chest radiograph
- breast ultrasound
- ECG with description
- fasting blood glucose level
- electrolites (K, Na)
- ionogram, urea, creatinine
- nose smear
Breast elevation is performed under general anaesthesia.
The breast lift procedure lasts between 2 – 3 hours.
After the operation the dressings and a special bra which should be worn for about 4 weeks, are put on. The breasts are swelling and painful, they can be annoying, but taking painkillers helps in the first days after the surgery. The stitches will be removed about 2 weeks after the procedure.
Initially, the breasts are sore and this process may take about a few weeks. Avoid wearing heavy things or performing strenuous exercises. The breasts are hard, the scars are wavy, this condition is temporary. Scars will smooth out and the breasts will return to their normal state. It is important to remember that all changes take a few weeks and you have to wait patiently for the final result.
- bleeding
- infections
- anaesthesia allergy
- lack of feeling in the nipples (transitional state, but there is a risk that this condition may become permanent, mostly after operations of very large breasts)
- worse healing of wounds (usually in case of smokers)
Your stay in the clinic is at least 1 day. Absence after the procedure is about 2 weeks.
- Significant change in the appearance of new breasts
- More compact and firmer bust
- Reduced papillae areola
New breasts should be taken great care of, the effect of the treatment is not permanent. Time, gravity, pregnancy and constant weight fluctuation are factors that adversely affect the breasts, even those raised. The most important thing is that the patient has realistic expectations from the very beginning, which will help her to accept new breasts.